Research Interest and Focus
My research interests focus on the intersections of higher education support, learning science, information literacy, and emerging technologies. This interdisciplinary approach comes from my own experiences as a scholar and practitioner observing the similar challenges and opportunities that adult learners experience in post-secondary education and workforce learning and development initiatives.
Presentations, Panels, Posters, Publications, and Press
Please review this list of my professional work and feel free to contact me with any questions.
Invited Presentations
Hutchings, J., Sadowsky, A., & Deutsch, T. (March 2014). Connecting with students in a digital Environment. Invited presenters at Adult Student Recruitment and Retention Conference, Madison, WI.
Hutchings, J., Sadowsky, A., & Deutsch, T. (February 2014). Connecting 1:1 – Using Digital Tools to Enhance Advising. Invited presenters for National Academic Advising Association
Hutchings, J., Schultz, J., Sadowsky, A., & Deutsch, T. (October 2013). #DigitalAdvising @YourSchool! Invited presenters at National Academic Advising Association Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Hutchings, J., Schultz, J., Sadowsky, A., & Deutsch, T. (July 2013). Will it Blend? Technology Use in Student Support Services. Featured presenters at the Sloan Consortium Blended Learning Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Hutchings, J., Sadowsky, A., & Schultz, J. (April 2013). #DigitalAdvising @YourSchool! Invited “Best of State” presenters at National Academic Advising Association Region 5 Conference, Kalamazoo, MI.
Presentations, Panels, and Posters
Hutchings, J., Ujda, L., Hoag, E. (November 2014). Transform Your Career. Panel Presentation at Wisconsin Library Association Annual Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI.
Hutchings, J., Howard, S., Fazel, A., Sadowsky, A., Deutsch, T. (October 2014). IT Interested? Encouraging IT Experimentation in Academic Advising. Panel Presentation at National Academic Advising Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Hutchings, J., & Barth, D. (July 2014). Research-Based Evaluation Strategies for Online and Blended Faculty Development Programs. Presented at D2L Fusion Conference, Nashville, TN.
Hutchings, J. (February 2014). Q & A Session. Invited “experienced practitioner” panel member at 2014 National Academic Advising Association Technology Seminar, Albuquerque, NM.
Hutchings, J. (February 2014). Free, Cloud-based and Social Media Technologies. Presented at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Online Program Council as part of an update on online student support services, Milwaukee, WI.
Hutchings, J., Brooks, R. (January 2014). Advise the Advisor: Advising Strategies and Best Practices in LIS Education. Presented at Association of Library and Information Science Education Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Hutchings, J., Sadowsky, A., Deutsch, T., & Schultz, J. (September 2013). A Recipe for the Perfect Brew: Mixing Free and Paid Technologies to Enhance Online Student Services. Presented at Wisconsin Academic Advising Association Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Hutchings, J., Schultz, J., & Sadowsky, A. (June 2013). #DigitalAdvising @YourSchool! Presented at National Academic Advising Association International Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Hutchings, J. & Sadowsky, A. (March 2013). The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Information Studies: Preparing the Next Generation of Library and Information Science Professionals. Presented at Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers Meeting, Kolkata, India.
Hutchings, J. & Sadowsky, A. (February 2013). The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Information Studies: Preparing the Next Generation of Library and Information Science Professionals. Presented at International Indian Library Association Conference, Dharwad, India.
Deutsch, T. & Hutchings, J. (October 2012). #DigitalAdvising @YourSchool! Presented at National Academic Advising Association Conference, Nashville, TN.
Deutsch, T., Sadowsky, A., & Hutchings, J. (September 2012). #DigitalAdvising @YourSchool! Presented at Wisconsin Academic Advising Association Conference, La Crosse, WI. *Received “Best of State” award.
Deutsch, T., Hutchings, J., & Sadowsky, A. (May 2012). #DigitalAdvising @YourSchool! Pre-conference presentation at National Academic Advising Association Region 6 Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Carriveau, A., Hutchings, J., Gilbert, P., Ganyard, P., Lewis, A., & Jonas, J. (April 2012). How to Network: Conversations for Early Career Librarians at WAAL. Panel presentation at Wisconsin Association of Academic Libraries Conference, Lake Geneva, WI.
Hutchings, J., Lake, S., & Sadowsky, A. (April 2012). University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Information Studies Virtual Open House. Webinar presented for prospective University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Information Studies students.
Hutchings, J. & Lake, S. (March 2012). Career Challenged? Get a Graduate Degree! Presentation for University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee upperclassmen, Milwaukee, WI.
Gomez, K., Barbakoff, A., Hutchings, J., Mano, P., Rohlwing, B., & Morgan, J. (November 2011). New Library Professionals Panel. Panel presentation at Wisconsin Library Association Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Hutchings, J. & Bennett, J. (April 2011). Circulating iPads in an Academic Library. Presentation at Wisconsin Association of Academic Libraries Conference, Stevens Point, WI.
Gile, J. (July 2009). Digitizing Medieval Manuscripts: UW-Madison Special Collections. Presented a poster at UW-Madison Library Reference Retreat, Madison, WI.
Kramer, A. & Gile, J. (April 2009). Academic Librarianship Student Organization. Presented a poster at Wisconsin Association of Academic Libraries Conference, Green Lake, WI.
Gile, J. (May 2003). The History of Dalkeith House and Estate. Presentation at UWL Annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creativity, La Crosse, WI.
Hutchings, J. (2013, June 28). Reflections on the 2013 NACADA International Conference from a Tech Perspective. [Web log post]. Retrieved from
Gile Hutchings, J. (2009, September 25). Michael Pollan Lecture Event Was a Huge Success! | Michael Pollan: In Defense of Food: The Omnivore’s Solution. [Web log post]. Retrieved from
Gile, J. (2002). The History of Dalkeith House and Estate. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Journal of Undergraduate Research, VI.
WACADA Member Spotlight in The Wisconsin Advisor (Summer 2013). Highlighted participation in inaugural international academic advising conference.
WACADA Member Spotlight in The Wisconsin Advisor (Spring 2013). Featured award winning presentation about the innovative use of technology and social media in academic advising.